There have been six deaths of supporters and one child is still missing during the election campaign period in Shan State.
On October 18th, a vehicle from the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) fell into the Shweli River in Phinekyaung village in Muse Township in the northern Shan State, during the campaign rally. The accident killed three females and a child is still missing.
On October 22th, the Pa-O National Organization (PNO) organized its campaign rally in Banyin village in Hsihseng Township in the southern Shan State. A vehicle crashed in front of Banyin Station Hospital due to a burst tire on their way back at around 6 pm. Three females on the board died on the spot and four others got injured.
U Nyi, a local supporter from Taunggyi said: “No one wants to experience such a tragedy. Not only your lives but also the COVID-19 is important. The party’s victory is also important and we will continue to do our work.”
The political parties issued condolence messages for the deaths of supporters and held prayer ceremonies.