Chin National Organization (CNO) and the Chin National Defense Force (CNDF) was formed on April 13th.
William Chin, Spokesperson of the CNO/CNDF said: “The formation of the CNO and the CNDF mainly aims to build up a federal democracy-based union, ensure the autonomy of Chin nationals, and build up a sustainable and peaceful human society political space.”
“This is the part of efforts to build up an independent Chin State. Currently, the CNO is based in Falam Township and some areas. Plans are under way to cooperate with any organizations which have the same policies,” the spokesperson.
The CNO and the CNDF will strive for cooperation with the National Unity Government (NUG) formed by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), ethnic political groups, other democratic forces and Chin political forces according to their statement.
The meeting took place in Falam Township in Chin State and supported by people outside Chin State (Kalay-Kabaw Region) and Chin expats.
“The new organization has emerged due to necessity. Later we will cooperate with other organizations after strengthening our own organizations. The CNO honours the public and the fallen martyrs who are protesting against the military dictatorship in different forms and will continue opposing the military dictatorship in unity, together with the public,” the statement dated April 22nd.