CDM education staff in Mon State forced to return to work

CDM education staff in Mon State forced to return to work
by -
Saw Thonya (NMG)

The Mon State Education Officer Office is putting pressure on educational staff in Mon State to return to work by May 3, according to some educational staff who have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM).

The letter dated 25 April issued by the Office of Mon State Education Officer, requires all teachers and staff from State/District/Township Education Officer Offices and basic education schools to return to their work by May 3. Officials are to send the list of staff who fail to return to work, to the Office of Mon State Education Officer.

Following the coup, education staff took to the streets together with anti-coup protestors.

Thousands of education staff in Mon State have joined the CDM.

The military council is pressuring staff to return to their work by suspending the duties CDM education staff.

At the same time, the authorities have filed cases against some CDM-staff under Section 503 of the Penal Code and arrested them.

This has prompted the majority of CDM staff in Mon State to go into hiding.

The military council plans to reopen the schools during this year.

The authorities put pressures on CDM education staff to return to their work in some townships of other regions and states.

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