Narinjara News

The Myanmar government won’t sell electricity to Bangladesh even though they said they would.
A Burma army battalion has been forcing farmers off their land and harvesting the rice for themselves. Burma army LIB-539 battalian in Kyauktaw...
Two Arakanese youths - one a former political prisoner – have been severely tortured in Tamwe Township police station in Rangoon Division.
An Arakanese organization based in USA issued a statement welcoming President Obama’s historical visit to Burma on Nov.19.
Fierce fighting between the Burma army and an unidentified armed group occurred on Sunday night in northern Maungdaw in Arakan State near the...
Burma’s Deputy Commerce Minister Pwint San told the Bangladesh’s The Daily Star that Burma will create a wholesale market and hold trade fairs along...
A father and son from Saw Mae Kyi village were wounded last Thursday after being shot by handmade firearms that was fired from a boat, according to...
Arakanese Buddhists worry communal violence will flare up again if authorities don’t implement measures to bring out stability in all of Arakan State.
The army is interrogating Arakanese villagers after the recent communal violence in the state.
A recently formed governmental committee will determine which families in Pauk Taw Township are illegal aliens, according to various news reports...
The election commission summoned the Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP) and the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) to a meeting to discuss...
Thandwe, Arakan State: Four Muslims were arrested last Wednesday by security forces in a southern district of Arakan State after handmade weapons...
The bodies of three Arakanese men who have been missing after the sectarian violence in October were finally recovered this Saturday near Muslim...
Five senior monks from Sittwe were invited to Rangoon by the directorate ministry of religious affairs on Oct.2 for consultation regarding the...
About 180 handmade guns were seized following the mob violence that erupted last week in Arakan State, according to a statement from the Presidential...
