Myanmar Cancels Agreement To Export Electricity To Bangladesh

Myanmar Cancels Agreement To Export Electricity To Bangladesh
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The Myanmar government won’t sell electricity to Bangladesh even though they said they would.

Sai-Din-WaterfallAt the 6th annual Bangladesh-Myanmar Joint Trade Commission (JTC) in Dhaka, Bangladesh Commerce Minister Mahbub Ahmed said that Burma, which had earlier showed interest to export electricity to Bangladesh, has now rejected the proposal because of power shortages in the country.

According to Bangladesh Commerce ministry officials, over the last three years, Bangladesh had been trying to import 500 megawatt electricity from Saing Din hydro-power project and Lemro hydro-power project in Rakhine and Chin states.

The Sai Din hydro-power project is expected to be completed by 2018.

Bangladesh uses more electricity than Myanmar. They also want to import electricity from neighboring countries; India, Butan and Nepal.