US-based Arakanese organization welcome Obama’s visit to Burma

US-based Arakanese organization welcome Obama’s visit to Burma
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An Arakanese organization based in USA issued a statement welcoming President Obama’s historical visit to Burma on Nov.19.

ObamaU Khine Myint Thein, the director of the group called "Arakanese Community in Buffalo" told Narinjara that they support the American President’s visit because it’s very important for democratic reforms in Burma.

“It has been more than five decades since the USA diplomatically isolated Burma and the first time the President will visit Burma. We welcome President Obama’s historic visit as we see it as very important for enhancing US-Burma relations and democratic developments in Burma.”

He said his group is optimistic about the US presidential visit to Burma and hopes the US government’s decision to engage with the Burmese government will not only benefit economic sectors but also democracy movements and human rights in the impoverished country.

In their statement, the group urged President Obama to prioritize issues related to ethnic nationalities when he meets with the Burmese government.

“We would like President Obama to urge the Burmese government to build genuine peace and reconciliation with the ethnic nationalities and ensure they are seen as equals as the country makes the transition to democracy,” said U Khine Myint Thein.