KACC demands stop to the fighting for the success of election in Paletwa

KACC demands stop to the fighting for the success of election in Paletwa
by -
Salai Clian (CW)

The Khumi Affairs Coordination Council (KACC) issued a statement on September 7, calling for an end to the ongoing fights in Paletwa Township in Chin in order that the locals actively participate in the election scheduled for November 8.


Chin State is composed of nine townships. The fights between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) are taking place in Paletwa Township. The people in the war-hit Paletwa Township are becoming less interested in the upcoming election due to the ongoing fights.


Mai Nan Wai, Spokesperson of the KACC said: “Chin State has nine townships. Paletwa Township is a war-hit one. Locals are not interested in the election. It also coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic. The KACC demands an end to the wars and the public’s active participation in the election.”


The statement says the most important thing for the success of the general election in Paletwa Township is the peace and stability of the region. The KACC has urged the AA to avoid the military activities in Paletwa Township and the arrest of local Chin youths and requested the Chin State government to take necessary security measures for the election in Paletwa Township.

Currently, there is no fight in Paletwa Township. But there are frequent outbreaks of clashes between the Tatmadaw and the AA as the AA is active in Paletwa Township.


U Lin Kyaw, Secretary of the Chin State Election Sub-Commission said: “The election commission has distributed the materials for polling booths to the remaining eight townships in Chin State except for Paletwa Township. The sub-commission plans to dispatch materials for polling booths using the military-owned helicopter.


The sub-commission will try its best to enable the locals in Paletwa Township to cooperate in the election despite the lack of regional stability, U Lin Kyaw promised.

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