Strong pressure on education staff in Muse to return to work

Strong pressure on education staff in Muse to return to work
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Ministry of Education is putting pressure on education staff who have joined Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and forcing them back to work in Muse, northern Shan State.

“Teachers must to return to their work by May 3 or else their salaries will be withdrawn. If they do not report for work, teachers will have to repay their salaries,” said a member of the education staff from Muse Township.

A senior assistant teacher from Muse said: “I will not try to get my salary, even if the junta cuts my salary. I will not work under a military dictatorship. I will go into hiding if the junta tries to arrest me.”

A student from Lechar Township said: “I will not go to school when the school reopens. The enrollment would amount to supporting the killings. I don’t want to learn the military slave education.”

From May 22 basic education schools will start receiving the enrollment. Parents said they would not participate in school enrollment. A parent commented, “The terrorist military council is trying every possible way to get international recognition.”

The junta is also trying to reopen the universities as of May 5 and has threatened all education staff with sanctions, if they do not return to work. The junta is arresting those who support the CDM staff and has issued arrest warrants for CDM members under Section 505 (a) of the Penal Code.

As banking staff, and civil servants have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) since the Feb 1 coup, both business and government operations and administration have been severely disrupted and many government agencies are barely functioning.

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