Some ethnic leaders expect federal constitution can be drafted through the federal democracy charter

Some ethnic leaders expect federal constitution can be drafted through the federal democracy charter
by -
Saw Thonya (NMG)

It is expected that the federal constitution can be drafted through the federal democracy charter declared by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), ethnic leaders say.

On March 31st, the CRPH declared the abolishment of the 2008 Constitution and released the federal democratic charter. Political parties, EAOs, activists and the public welcome the CRPH’s abolishment of the 2008 Constitution.

.Ni Banyar Mon, Director of the Federal Affairs and Policy Center said: “According to my knowledge, this declaration is the basic agreement of all groups. It is said to be a fundamental principle. There is a lot to be done in the future based on this fundamental principle. As the 2008 constitution has been abolished, now we work on a draft and enact the federal union constitution. The next point is it also depends largely on the way on how this revolution will achieve success for the building up of a federal union. The federal democracy charter is jointly drafted by political parties, youth, women, political activists, those involved in the anti-coup protests and officials of some EAOs.

U Than Khae, Chair of the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) said: “We welcome the CRPH’s declaration of the federal democracy charter on March 31st. The federal constitution is expected to be drafted through that declaration. This attempt is a guideline for the setting up of a future federal democratic union. It lays down a fundamental principle. It also includes a roadmap. We will achieve success if we work together for it.  We expect that we can draft a constitution together for the practical implementation of the required democratic and federal norms.”

Col Khun Okkar, a Pa-O ethnic leader said: “We welcome this charter in recognition of the CRPH’s effort. He cautioned “We have neither supported nor accepted all the statements included in the charter. We need to have more mutual discussions on several points.”

Khu Thae Yal, General Secretary of the Kayah State Democratic Party (KySDP) said: “As some points included in the CRPH’s federal democratic charter are based on the 2008 Constitution, we need to draft the federal constitution through more discussion and coordination with the relevant groups.” 

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