Shan Rebel Army calls on political parties to coordinate canvassing in its controlled areas

Shan Rebel Army calls on political parties to coordinate canvassing in its controlled areas
by -
Saw Thonya (NMG)

The political parties which want to conduct the canvassing campaigns in the rebel-held areas under the control of the RCSS (Restoration Council of the Shan State) are required to do advance coordination, said Lt-Col Sai Ohm Khay, Spokesperson of the RCSS.

“The parties need to inform, coordinate with and arrive at a mutual understanding with the RCSS. The reason for these precautions takes into account military conflict in the RCSS-controlled areas at any time. The move aims to ensure the safety of the relevant parties and smooth operation of their canvassing, and to arrange the security measures for them,” he added.

The political parties can do canvassing campaigns in the RCSS-controlled areas only after they inform the RCSS liaison offices and regional administrative officials. Lt-Col Sai Ohm Khay has warned they could be endangered by armed conflicts which may break out at any time, but the RCSS has no plans to punish any parties if they fail to give the prior notice.”

If the political parties give the prior notices to the RCSS, they can do canvassing freely in the RCSS-controlled areas in conformity with the UEC’s announcement and directives in relation to the election law and the preventive measures against the COVID-19.

In the 2010 and 2015 General Elections, the RCSS provided necessary assistance to make the elections free and fair. The RCSS has committed to help support the officials as much as it can, in order to make sure that the 2020 General Election becomes free and fair.

The RCSS-controlled areas are Mongton, Mongsat in eastern Shan State, Mongpan, Mone, Lechar, Kyunhein, Yatsauk, Maukme, Mongkaung and Namhsam in the southern Shan State and Kyaukme and Namkham Townships in the northern Shan State.

The RCSS is one of the 10 signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).

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