The return the IDPs under way in Paletwa Township

The return the IDPs under way in Paletwa Township
by -
Min Tun (DMG)

A plan is under way to return the IDPs in Paletwa Township to their homes, according to U Soe Htet, Chin State Minister for Development Affairs, Electricity and Industry but he admitted “It is impossible for all IDPs to go home. The IDPs find it difficult to earn their living. As they have not done farming for more than one year, they may face difficulty in their livelihood,” he added.

Since the elections there has been no fighting between the Tatmadaw and the AA which has made it possible to plan for IDPs to reclaim their homes again.

“The Chin State government has reported the return of IDPs in Paletwa Township to the Union government. They will go home when the union government gives the green-light and they can get the government’s assistance,” he continued.

The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and the WPF are planning to facilitate and assist the IDPs on their journey home. Yangon-based RICCI will provide them with clothes.

Daw Hla Kywat Yaing, an IDP from Yokewa village said: “My village is located on the other bank of the Paletwa Township. I will not go home as government troops are still stationed in my village. They face difficulty in health, living and accommodation and are in need of warn clothes in winter season.”


U Tin Oo, an IDP from Miletwa village said: “We will go home only when the Chin State government and Township administrator are held accountable and responsible.”

Commodity prices are rising due to road blocks and restrictions on waterways in Paletwa Township. The IDPs and locals are facing many difficulties. The Chin State government is planning to keep the commodity prices down.

The fighting between the Tatmadaw and the AA has displaced more than 70,000 people in Paletwa Township.

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