There are nine cases filed under the Election Law at respective police stations in Thaton District in Mon State, said Deputy Police Major Zaw Tun from Thaton District on December 7.
Nine cases are reported in Thaton District, two in Kyaikto Township, two in Theinzayat Township and one each in Bilin, Paung and Mottama Townships.
The cases cover the issuance of advance ballot papers twice in Kyaikhto Township, quarrels during the election campaign in Theinzayat Township, bad language during the collection of advance vote by the election sub-commission in Belin Township, and a complaint against the sitting minister for Immigration and Human Resources U Tun Min Aung in Paung and Mottama Townships.
There are two districts in Mon State, namely Thaton and Mawlamyine Districts. There were 29 election-related cases filed at the respective police stations in ten townships of Mon State. The cases are under investigation, according to the Mon State Police Office.
Among 29 cases, the cases were filed against three elected candidates including Minister U Tun Min Aung in two townships. The Mon Unity Party (MUP) opened the case against elected candidate Daw Khin Myo Miynt from the NLD at the police station on November 23.
A polling station representative from the USDP also opened the case against upper house candidate U Ko Ko Oo from the NLD at Mupon Po
In Mon State, 136 candidates including ethnic affairs ministers competed in the election in Mon State in the 2020 General Elections. The National League for Democracy (NLD) secured 17 seats and the Mon Unity Party (MUP) six.