KSPP chairman calls on NLD to uphold the principles of 1947 Panglong Agreement in pursuit of a national unity government

KSPP chairman calls on NLD to uphold the principles of 1947 Panglong Agreement in pursuit of a national unity government
by -
Saw Thonya (NMG)

Ethnic parties have called for equality, autonomy and building up a federal union in the tenure of the new government, said Dr. Aung Moe Nyo, a member of the Secretariat Member of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD).

Dr. Aung Moe Nyo said: “We achieved success. We all had a frank discussion like brothers and sisters. Ethnic parties discussed autonomy, federal, equality and called on the NLD to create the space for them to have a better check and balance system between the government and the parliaments.”

On January 1st, the NLD delegation led by Dr. Aung Moe Nyo held a talk with the delegates from the winning ethnic parties in Kachin State.

The ethnic parties called for the implementation of the pledges included in the Panglong Treaty signed by General Aung San and ethnic leaders in 1947.

Dr. Ma Nan Tu Gyar, Chair of the Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP) added “We discussed the main points to be taken into account by the NLD for the formation of a national unity government. There are three pillars, namely legislative, administrative and executive. The federal system also covers these pillars. In practice, legislative and administrative pillars are very important. These pillars can do check and balance. Different parties should share responsibility for them. No one party can handle it. Chief Ministers and parliamentary speakers from different parties should take responsibilities.”

The NLD’s new policy to form a national unity government is a big step towards bringing peace. “The NLD needs to implement it thoroughly, and coordinate with ethnic parties to become a better government regardless of party attachment”, the KSPP chair added.

“It depends on the 1947 Panglong Agreement. The pledges are the pledges made by General Aung San. There are nine points in the 1947 Panglong Agreement. Among them, No.5 and No.7 are important. We refer to these points. No.5 is the full autonomy in the States. No.7 is to enable all citizens to enjoy the democratic rights,” Dr. Ma Nam Tu Gyar added.

The elected candidates from the KSPP, the Lisu National Development Party (LNDP) and the New Democracy Party (NDP)-Kachin attended the meeting at the NLD headquarters in Myitkyina Township in Kachin State. The facts discussed by three ethnic parties are same, said Dr. Ma Nan Tu Gyar.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Tu Gyar, Chair of the KSPP and U Lamar Naw Aung, U Shwe Min and U Shwe Lay from the LUDP and U Khaw Taint from the NDP-K.

Dr. Aung Moe Nyo, Daw Nan Khin Htwe Myint, U In Htone Kham Naw Sam from the NLD and Kachin State Chief Minister Dr. Khet Aung.

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