KNP’s youngest candidate runs for Myaungmya Constituency-2

KNP’s youngest candidate runs for Myaungmya Constituency-2
by -
Saw Tun Lin (KIC)

25-year-old Sa Swel Mat from the Karen National Party (KNP) is the youngest candidate among the candidates from the Karen parties. He will compete in the upcoming election for Ayeyawady Region Constituency-2.

He was born on 18 April, 1995 in Thalar village-tract in Myaungmya Township in Ayeyawady Region. He is a psychology graduate. According to the Election Law, the candidates who will run for seats in Lower House Parliament and Region or State Parliament must be at least 25 years old, while the candidates for Upper House Parliament must be at least 30 years.

Sa Swel Mat said: “My main purpose is to send the message that our youth can work for our country and for the region.”

The main rivals of Sa Swel Mat in the Region Constituency-2 in Myaungmya Township are: Daw Khaing Zin Oo from the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) and U Soe Naing from the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP).

The KNP will run for 13 seats in Ayeyawady, Bago, Yangon, Hpasawng Township in Kayah State. Most candidates from the KNP are the young generation and middle-aged people, said Mann Kyaw Nyein, General Secretary of the KNP.

He added “We need to extend a helping hand and trust the ability of young people so that they will gain political experience.”

U Maung Maung Sein, Chair of Myaungmya District Election Sub-Commission confirmed on 19 August that Sa Swel Mat is the youngest candidate among 71 candidates who have registered to run for the constituencies in Myaungmya Township.

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