KIA holds captured base and inflicts heavy losses on Myanmar army

KIA holds captured base and inflicts heavy losses on Myanmar army

Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has held onto a strategically important hill base that it captured last month near the Chinese border despite intense attacks by the junta in recent days.

According to Colonel Naw Bu, the KIA’s spokesperson, the Tatmadaw deployed hundreds of ground troops and at least two fighter jets as part of its attack on the Alaw Bum hill station, which sits roughly 30km south of KIA headquarters in Laiza.

But the KIA has so far held its ground, with the junta’s forces reported to have suffered heavy losses, including a commanding officer of junta’s Light Infantry Battalion 387.

“Everything is under the KIA’s control,” said Colonel Naw Bu (reported by Myanmar Now News)

Since the February 1 coup more than 700 people have been killed across the country. The KIA has attacked military bases and police outposts in Hpakant, Mokaung, Injanyang, Waingmaw, and Momauk in solidarity with CDM movement and in support of CPRH which has called for setting up a federal army.

In Hpakant fighting took place between the Brigade-9 under the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the army between Gawluyan and Khwanhsaiyan villages on Hpakant Road in Kachin State on the morning of April 14th.

A Kathmaw villager said: “Battalion-44 under the KIA-Brigade-9 attacked the army while a military column with more than 40 soldiers was approaching Kathmaw village. Shooting lasted for one hour. Nantyar military camp fired five heavy weapons. Passenger buses heading to Hpakant Township are running regularly after the fighting. There is no report of casualty.”

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