Junta tightens checks on travelers to downtown Matupi

Junta tightens checks on travelers to downtown Matupi
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

The military council tightly checks whether or not the people entering Matupi in southern Chin State bring the ID cards and ward/village recommendation letters, according to locals from Matupi Township.

A local from Matupi Township said: “Villagers must bring their NRC cards and recommendation letters when they go to the downtown. Security forces also check mobile phones at the inspection gate. Some staff are allowed to go in Paletwa if they have staff ID. For instance, civilians are allowed to go if they pay money.”

The junta has opened the security gates on three routes linking Paletwa, Mindat and Hakha Townships via Matupi Township and allows the villagers to enter Matupi only with the recommendation letters.

In addition, the junta’s troops usually seize vegetables and animals from the villagers who come to Matupi Township to sell their products, said a Matupi local.

Although there is no official order, the junta’s troop tightly check whether the people entering from villages to Matupi, bring the ward/village recommendation letters at three inspection gates.

The people from Ngali, Phanaing, Hteesaung and Waitu villages near Matupi Township come to downtown Matupi Township to do selling and earn their living.

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