The election sub-commission has to carry out a door-to-door collection of advance vote ballots in a village-tract in Banmauk Township in Sagaing Region, due to the issuance of the wrong ballot papers admitted Daw Than Than Myat, Secretary of Township Election Sub-Commission.
This error occurred at Manpin village in Pinpone village-tract in Banmauk Township.
The collection of advance votes from the voters aged 60 and above started in the village since November 1.
The sub-commission issued wrong ballot papers for the region and lower house. The parties in Banmauk Township and election sub-commission coordinated their efforts over this mistake. On November 2, the sub-commission gathered up all the advance votes.
It is a mistake that has led to much confusion.
U Kyaw Win from Pinpone village-tract Election Sub-Commission said: “I found out only after the people had cast their votes. The Township Election Sub-Commission issued the new ballot papers and took back the old ones.”
U Hlaing Bwar, a candidate from the Union Betterment Party (UBP) said: “There should never have been such a mistake. It is the duty of the Ward/village-tract election sub-commission to check everything as the issuance of ballot papers is carried out by the township election sub-commission.”
There are over 61,000 eligible voters in Banmauk Township in Sagaing Region.