A special consideration has been given by the Kachin State Election Sub-Commission to long-time ethnic residents, who do not have any documents or papers to prove their citizenship, yet their families are well –known to have been residents since the time of their forefathers.
U Tun Aung Khaing, Deputy Director of the Kachin State Election Sub-Commission stated that if it can be proved without documents that they are citizens they will be included in the voters list.
But he added “The voters are required to be the ethnics whose forefathers have long been living in the region. This is applied only to the resident ethnics.”
The Kachin State Election Sub-Commission compiled the lists of ethnic voters who are citizens but cannot supply documents, in four districts of Kachin State for 2020 General Election.
U Tun Aung Khaing reported that in four districts, the election sub-commission was unable to compile the lists of voters in Myitkyina, Bhamaw and Putao Districts due to some abandoned village-tracts, conflict-affected areas and the places with no security.
Kachin State has nearly 1.1 million voters for the 2020 General Elections, up around 220,000 compared to the figures in 2015, said an official of the Kachin State Election Sub-Commission.