Canvassing banned in Hpakat of Kachin State

Canvassing banned in Hpakat of Kachin State
by -
Khaung Nyol (KNG), Salai (MNJ)

Political parties are banned from campaigning in Hpakant Township in Kachin after 9 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, U Tun Aung Khaing, the officer of the Kachin State Election Sub-Commission Office reported.


Hpakant, well-known for its jade mining, accounts for nine out of 13 COVID-19 cases in Kachin State. As of 20 September, the stay at home notice has been imposed on Hpakant Township.


“A ban on the canvassing of political parties at the stay-at-home townships is in conformity with the SOP issued by the Central Committee for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19,” he added.


U La Aung, a candidate from Kachin People’s Party (KPP) from Hpakant Township said: “From the health point of view, it is impossible to do canvassing during the stay-at-home period. According to our Plan-B, we have to do online canvassing as everybody uses Facebook. Due to the stay-at-home rule, all canvassing plans have been canceled.”


The Union Election Commission (UEC) has allowed the political parties to do a 60-day election campaign period as of September 8.


U Tint Soe, a lower house candidate from the National League for Democracy (NLD) in Hpakant Township commented “I stopped canvassing four days ago. Our party has stopped the election campaign since the detection of the first case.”


Due to the spread of COVID-19, some political parties have called on the Union Election Commission to postpone the election slated for November 8.


At a virtual meeting titled “the 2020 General Election and the Role of Media” on 19 September, U Myint Naing, a member of the Union Election Commission said, “There was no plan to postpone the election due to the COVID-19.”


Kachin State has around 1.1 million eligible voters, an increase of around 300,000 compared with the 2015 General Election, according to the statement by the Kachin State Election Sub-Commission Office.

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