Assassination of MUP candidate under investigation

Assassination of MUP candidate under investigation
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စိုင်းထွန်းစံ (MNA)

Mon Unity Party (MUP) is investigating the assassination of its candidate in near Phayathonesu of Kyarinseikgyi Township in Karen State, Naing Tala Nyi, the Spokesperson of the MUP told the Mon News Agency.

“The MUP has reported it to the authorities. The relevant departments are working on it. In addition, the MUP has assigned the duties to the party’s members to investigate the case. The MUP has asked for help from the New Mon State Party (NMSP) to uncover the truth as the case happened in the NMSP-controlled areas,” he added.

The MUP’s upper house candidate from Kyarinseikgyi Township Mi Wai Thi Phyo was assassinated by a gunman on the way to Phayathonesu while on a motorcar on June 8th.

The MUP has not officially released the latest information about the assassination yet.

A member of the NMSP from Phayathonesu said: “I got two bullet shells of AK. She got three shots. The person who accompanied the victim did not get any injury. The gunman shot her while the car was moving at a speed of 30-40 km.”

One day after the assassination, the head of Kawkareik District Administration Council, the district police head and officials from the NMSP relation office went to the nearby place where the incident took place. They met and encouraged Mi Wai Thi Phyo’s parents in Ywathit village, he continued.

Dr. Aung Naing Oo, Mon State MP and ex-deputy speaker of Mon State Parliament wrote a post on his Facebook: “If the assassination of Mi Wai Thi Phyo is linked to party politics, racism and personal affairs and hate, it is a totally abhorrent act. Our Mon people are working to avoid unnecessary acts such as hate, bloodshed and life insecurity among the community despite the different views on the changing political situation and to ensure the emergence of a federal democracy system devoid of hate. That is why, we are not enemies. We are to make continued efforts for the betterment of the country. On behalf of Mon people, I would like to earnestly request all concerned to pay attention to the systematic transition.”

The New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the MUP have designated the assassination as a violence act and would make efforts to uncover the truth about it.

The MUP is cooperating with the State Administration Council (SAC). As the SAC has changed the name of General Aung San, the MUP leaders and members may be the targets of the People’s Defense Force, said a Mon political professor from the US told the MNA in the recent days.

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