Around 1,500 members of disbanded UDP join NUP in Bawlakhae Township

Around 1,500 members of disbanded UDP join NUP in Bawlakhae Township

Around 1,500 members of the now-disbanded United Democratic Party (UDP) from Bawlakhae Township in Kayah State, have joined the National Unity Party (NUP).

A ceremony to join the NUP was held in the party’s office in Bawlakhae Township in Kayah State on October 30th.

U Ko Ko who joined the NUP after his name was removed from the list of UDP candidates said: “The NUP emerged since 30 years ago. Its image is not strong due to the small number of party members. In 2014, I was a party member. In 2015, I cast votes for the NUP. I am joining the NUP is to support the candidates who will stand firmly for the people’s affairs. “

U Ye Yint Soe Nyunt, the NUP’s candidate who will run for the constituency-3 in Bawlakhae Township said: “Thanks to this unification, the party is now expected to secure the seat. The main point is we have the same ambition to serve the interest of the public.”

Candidates from Kayah State Democratic Party, the Union Solidarity and Development Party, the National League for Democracy, the National Democratic Force Party, the TAsanya Party, National Politics Democratic Party and the Union Betterment Party and independent candidates, have registered to run for the seats in Bawlakhae Township.

More than 400 candidates from the NUP will compete in the upcoming election across the nation.

There are 4,435 voters in constituency-1, 3,672 in constituency-2 and 1,236 service personnel voters in Bawlakhae Township. There are over 205,300 eligible voters across Kayah State.

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