All bus lines between Kalay and Rikhawdar temporarily stopped, hampering border trade

All bus lines between Kalay and Rikhawdar temporarily stopped, hampering border trade
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

All bus lines plying between Kalay Township of Sagaing Region and Rikhawdar Township in Chin State (India-Myanmar border No.2 Border Trade) have stopped temporarily since March 26th.

The anti-coup protests have intensified in Kalay Township and the army is making brutal crackdowns on the protestors.

An official from Kalay- Rikhawdar bus gate said: “We have stopped running cargo trucks and passenger buses from Saturday. There is no official directive for the closure of bus lines. We plan to resume bus services based on the situation.”

Drivers have decided to temporarily stop running buses as there are more than ten bus gates running between Kalay and Rikhawdar. Kalay-Rikhawdar road which is a major route for the India-Myanmar border.

It ranks second in terms of frontier crossings for border trade with India. Myanmar exports personal goods, foodstuff, utensils, betel nut and pig to India via this major trade route.

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