Advance voting of quarantined voters faces some difficulties

Advance voting of quarantined voters faces some difficulties
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

Quarantined voters in Chin State are facing some difficulties in the advance voting process, according to the township election sub-commission in Chin State.

U Htaung Za Hsan, Secretary of Haka Township Election Sub-Commission said: “Quarantined voters have to put their signs for the submission of Form-15. This process faces some difficulties. The heads of relevant quarantined centers are afraid of it. The advance voting at the quarantined centers is not a normal process. Preventive measures against COVID-19 may bring a heavy burden to us.”

U Htaung Za Hsan said: “The quarantined persons are unable to cast their votes at the polling stations as the quarantine period is 14 days. We will coordinate with the relevant wards and village sub-commissions for the voters who will be under the quarantine as from October 25 for the advance vote.”

As a measure to protect from the infection of COVID-19 and ensure the minimum infection risk, the UEC has allowed the voters aged above 60 to give an advance vote, from October 29 to November 5.

U Lin Kyaw, Secretary of the Chin State Election Commission said: “Voters aged above 60 can cast their votes at the polling stations. Relevant ward and village election sub-commission shall arrange the advance voting of the people aged above 60 at their homes if they report that they are unable to come to the ward and village election sub-commission offices for health reasons.

In addition, the voters who are unable to return to their native places can apply to the relevant election sub-commission with Form-15 in order that they can cast their votes at the places where they are currently present, U Lin Kyaw added.

In Chin State, 303 people are in facility quarantine and 136 in-home quarantine. There are 332,698 eligible voters in Chin State.

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