36 TNDP candidates lose their deposits as they did not get enough votes

36 TNDP candidates lose their deposits as they did not get enough votes
by -
Sai Si Kham/Shan Ni

Thirty-six candidates from the Tai-Leng Shan-Ni Nationalities Development Party (Red Tiger Party) lost their deposit money as they did not even get 12 % in the recent elections.

The party secured no seat although 41 candidates from the party competed in the 2020 General Election. Only five candidates from the party received more than 12 per cent votes.

U Sai Kyaw Htwe, the CEC member of the party said: “Four candidates from Kachin State and one from Sagaing Region get the election deposit returned. Our candidates have already submitted the election expenses.”

The parties have to pay the election deposit money of Ks-300,000 at the Myanmar Economic Bank when they nominated their candidates. Candidates can withdraw the deposit when the votes exceed 12 per cent, according to the Election Law.

The party ran for 41 seats in the 2020 General Elections—31 in Kachin State and ten in Sagaing Region. The female candidates account for 13.6 per cent of the total number of candidates, the candidates aged under 35, for 31.58 per cent and the candidates aged above 35, for 55.25 per cent.

In the 2015 General Elections, the party secured two seats—one seat in Sagaing Region and one for Shan Ethnic Affairs Minister in Sagaing Region.

According to the statement issued by the party after the election, the party will continue to work on the building of democracy and a federal union though it secured no seats in the elections.


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