Over 350,000 people displaced in KNU-controlled territories since coup, Karen group says

Over 350,000 people displaced in KNU-controlled territories since coup, Karen group says
Photo: KNU
Photo: KNU

More than 350,000 people in Kayin (Karen) State have been displaced post-coup as a result of fighting between Myanmar’s military regime and resistance forces in areas controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU), according to a press statement from KNU Central.

Frequent clashes pitting the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and Karen National Defense Organisation, both armed branches of the KNU, against regime forces have been reported in the districts of Taungoo, Thaton, Nyaunglebin, Myeik, Mutraw and Dooplaya since March 2021.

In a statement on August 16, KNU Central said 356,674 civilians have fled their homes due to the fighting.

Among the displaced are 94,768 people from Thaton District, 7,537 from Taungoo District, 61,898 Nyaunglebin District, 6,000 Myeik District, 96,180 from Mutraw District, and 90,291 from Doplaya District, KNU Central said.

Karen civil society organisations as well as the KNU are responsible for healthcare, shelter, food and security for the displaced people, but there are still unmet needs, said a KNU official.

“Karen civil society organisations and the KNU are providing assistance to those who have fled the fighting on humanitarian grounds. However, there are still many needs for the displaced people, so we are planning to continue to receive relief items,” the official added.

Civilian casualties also continue to rise, with human rights activists urging the UN and other international actors to take effective action as soon as possible against the Myanmar military’s attacks on civilians.

“Junta troops have been launching military operations in Kayin, Kayah, Chin, Kachin and Arakan states, and some areas controlled by ethnic armed organisations, since the coup,” said Ko Zin, a human rights activist. “Hundreds of civilians were killed in the Myanmar military’s airstrikes and shelling, and thousands of people left their homes. I call on the United Nations and international organisations to take immediate action to end the Myanmar military’s attacks on civilians.”

Nationwide, more than 1.2 million people remained displaced as of July 25, including more than 866,000 IDPs displaced by conflict and insecurity since the 2021 military takeover, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in Myanmar said in a statement late last month.

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