93 Byine Phyu villagers sentenced to three years prison

93 Byine Phyu villagers sentenced to three years prison

The junta sentenced 93 residents from Byine Phyu Village in Sittwe Township, Arakan (Rakhine) State, to three years in prison each, under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Association Act.

They were sentenced at Sittwe Township Court on 6 September 2024.

A source close to the matter said: "They appeared in court today and received their sentences. Nearly 100 were each given three years in prison. They were sentenced for alleged links to the Arakan Army (AA).”

This was the second batch of Byine Phyu villagers to be sentenced to prison and brings the total sentenced to prison, so far, to 241. Previously, on 30 August 2024, 148 other Byine Phyu villagers were also sentenced to three years prison under the same act.

On 29 May 2024, about 170 junta troops entered Byine Phyu Village. They rounded up the villagers, asked the men to remove their shirts and killed anyone with tattoos featuring Arakan text, symbols or flags and anyone they suspected of being affiliated to the AA.

In all the junta troops killed 76 villagers. They then burned the bodies, according to villagers. Women were also gang-raped according to the AA.

According to a National Unity Government (NUG) statement condemning the attack, the junta forces brutally tortured men, sexually assaulted women and also stole gold, cash, mobile phones and motorcycles from the villagers.

The junta troops then arrested and took away nearly 300 Byian Phyu villagers before forcing everyone still there to leave the village and burning it down on 31 May.

Some of the detained were released after paying bribes, but 241 were unjustly accused of being associated to the AA.

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