Very few schools in Shan State will be able to reopen

Very few schools in Shan State will be able to reopen
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The junta is using every possible way to pressure parents to carry out school enrollment in Shan State. But the junta’s efforts have failed in Shan State.

“The military council has told parents to provide school expenses if they enroll their children. Some from the villages are buying school uniforms and books, as they don’t know the situation in the city. There are school enrollments in a few villages,” said a local from Thibaw Township.

Only a very few people have enrolled in Shan State although the school enrollment kicks off on May 25th.

There are only a few teachers who will show up to teach when the schools reopen. The military council has issued arrest warrants for CDM education staff.

A local from Panglong Township said: “The junta troops removed the text reading “Don’t want the military slave education system” written in front of the school this morning. There is a low school enrollment rate.”

The junta removed the text reading “Don’t want the military slave education system” in front of the school of BEHS-2 in Namtu Township of Northern Shan State. Only six students enrolled their names at the BEHS-2 in Namtu. Non-CDM teachers are receiving the school enrollment.

The junta has designated the school enrollment week from May 24 to 31. The schools will reopen in June.

Since the Feb 1 military coup, the majority of education staff across the country, have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM).

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