Myawady roads empty during the water festival

Myawady roads empty during the water festival
by -
စောထွန်းလင်း (KIC)

After the military coup, there is nobody around to celebrate the water festival in Myawady of Karen State, except some children, although the State Administration Council has allowed the people to celebrate the water festival.

A local from Myawady said: “After the military coup, the total number of the people killed by the security forces has exceeded 700. No one will be happy to celebrate the water festival at such a time.”

On April 14 (the second day of the water festival), Bayintnaung road and Kyankhin road are empty. In the previous water festivals, these roads were crowded with festival-goers.

Generation Z youth in Myawady has called on the public not to celebrate the water festival organized in the time of the military council via social media.

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