More than 72 pc of civil servants join CDM in Chin State

More than 72 pc of civil servants join CDM in Chin State
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

More than 14,000 civil servants (more than 72 per cent) have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Chin State.

The total number of civil servants in Chin State has exceeded 20,000.

The total number of civil servants who joined the CDM reached 14,591— over 700 in Kanpetlet Township, over 1400 in Htantalan Township, 2954 in Hakha Township, over 2700 in Mindat Township, 146 in Paletwa Township, 2307 in Teedim Township, 774 in Tunzan Township, 1980 in Falam Township and 1630 in Matupi Township.


Upper House MP U Hawi Tin from Paletwa Township said: “In Paletwa Township, only staff from health, education and social welfare departments joined the CDM. Civil servants in Paletwa Township don’t dare join the CDM due to the regional situation.”

Many civil servants continue to join the CDM despite the pressures by senior officials in some departments.

The committees are formed in the respective townships to provide assistance to the staff engaged in the CDM. Those from home and abroad are making donations for CDM staff.

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