The anti-coup protest movement gaining nationwide momentum

The anti-coup protest movement gaining nationwide momentum

Ten of thousands of the people are staging protests against the military coup in Yangon, Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw and ethnic regions and states.

Some estimates put the number of protesters in Yangon at 100,000 on September 7th and there were reports of large demonstrations in other cities, with rallies condemning the coup that abruptly terminated Myanmar's 10-year experiment with democracy.

More than 50,000 locals participated in a march in protest against the military coup in Mohnyin Township in Kachin State on February 8th.

A protester in Mohnyin Township said: “The authorities try to arrest the protest leaders. Now I am hiding at a place for a while. The authorities think that we are protest leaders. In fact today’s protest is led by the people. There are no leaders in the protests. Youth organizations demanding a restoration of democracy stage the protests.”

The protests also took place in Myitkyina of Kachin State, Mawlamyine of Mon State, Haka of Chin State, Kaly of Sagaing Region, Taunggyi of Shan State, Arakan State and Kayah State.

The people across the country are honking horns, pots and pans to show their opposition to the military coup and they come from all walks of life.

These demonstrations had been preceded by a popular  "Civil Disobedience Movement" that had inspired civil servants, healthcare professionals- with doctors and nurses in more than 80 hospitals and teachers, all defying the new regime and going on strike.


The protestors call for the release of detained leaders including State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint and the acceptance of election results. Many flashed the three-finger salute inspired by the "Hunger Games" films, which became a symbol of resistance during the pro-democracy protests in Thailand last year.

On February 8th, the curfew orders (Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code) are imposed in 44 townships (except Cocokyun Township) in Yangon Region, Mandalay Region, Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, Magway Region, Sagaing Region, Kachin State, Kayah State, Mon State, Shan State and Kayin State.

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