Chin State Ministers ordered to vacate their official residence

Chin State Ministers ordered to vacate their official residence
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

The authorities have ordered the Chin State Chief Minister, ministers and the Chin State parliament speaker to all leave their official residences in the wake of their detention by the military coup.


U Shwe Htee Ooe, Chin State Minister for Road and Transportation said: “On February 1st, the Tatmadaw temporarily detained Chin State Chief Minister Salai Lian Luai, Chin State Parliament Speaker U Zoe Bwe and all other ministers, at Pyidaungsu Yeiktha.


As far as I know U Wi Kaw, U Mann Hin Dar and U Paung Lun Min Htan were taken to the Pyidaungsu Yeiktha. They were not interrogated. The authorities treated them well. Now they arrived back at their homes. I am unable to contact others by phone. They will leave the ministerial residences on February 4thwhere they are currently confined, monitored and under house arrest.


The Chin State Chief Minister, the Chin State Parliament Speaker and Chin State Development Affairs Minister U Soe Htet were detained at Yonetaung military unit in Haka for one night. They arrived back at the ministers’ housing at around 11 am today.


The Acting President, a member of the military who previously held the position of vice–president, announced the order No-1/2021 on the morning of February 1st, declaring a State of Emergency and the handover of the country’s legislative, judicial and executive powers to the armed forces chief.

In the early morning before the handover of power to the Tatmadaw, the authorities had detained Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the President, the Union ministers, members of region and state governments, the NLD CEC members and some politicians. Now some detainees have arrived back at their homes.

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