UEC implements the election result despite demands for a re-run of the election

UEC implements the election result despite demands for a re-run of the election
by -
Saw Thonya (NMG)

Union Election Commission (UEC) will continue to implement the election results despite the demands for a re-run of the election from the main opposition Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), said U Myint Naing, a member of the UEC at a press conference.

The Burmese army-aligned USDP said it would not accept the election result, as the election “was not free and fair”. The USDP called on the UEC to re-run a “disciplined election” in cooperation with the Burmese armed forces (he Tatmadaw).

 “The UEC held a free and fair election in accordance with five criteria. Some big contesting parties have accepted the election result. The UEC will implement the current election result,” U Myint Naing added.

Replying to the USDP’s accusation, U Myint Naing said: “I have nothing to say as the USDP’s accusation is groundless. Three big parties accepted and welcomed the election result. This is democratic practice. Other parties also accept it. There will be some parties which dislike it. The UEC will implement the election result in accordance with the law.” 

According to the independent monitoring group, the US-based Carter Center found “no major irregularities” during voting and counting. Myanmar’s PACE  (the People’s Alliance for Credible Elections), also confirmed a "peaceful" process without "major incidents" and "no major discrepancies" during the counting process, based on  1,885 observers according to Frontier magazine. 

The USDP has complained that the election was not fair and was biased; the most of teachers who served as polling staff were the NLD supporters; the ballot boxes were unsafe and the envelopes were substandard.

The Myanmar Teachers’ Federation posted on Facebook after the press conference that it was preparing a response to the USDP allegations, which it said had “defamed the dignity of teachers” who worked as polling station staff for the election.

The spokesperson of the NLD said the NLD can form the government for a second term and NLD won the 2020 General Elections by a landslide repeating their performance in 2015.

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