The policy and election pledges of the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD)

The policy and election pledges of the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD)
by -
Tun Khaing (Narinjara)

The ALD will implement three major policies—support for a federal system, ethnic equality and self-determination.

U Myo Kyaw, Spokesperson of the ALD declared “Since its establishment, the ALD has been dedicated to implementing the above-mentioned policies.”

In the 2020 General Election, a total of 26 candidates from the ALD will run for the upper house parliamentary seats in Kyauktaw, Kyaukphyu, Manaung, Yanbyee, Ann, Thandwe and Taunggup Townships.

The ALD has three female candidates and three young candidates aged under 35. Most of the candidates are the middle-aged ones. U Myo Kyaw said the ALD’s election motto is “Let’s unite for Father Arakan State, Vote Shwebyarla. The party’s election promise is to implement development, education, health and employment opportunities.”

The ALD’s main rival is the Arakan National Party (ANP) rather than the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) and the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP).

Currently, the ALD is unable to start canvassing due to the health restrictions The party’s members are working on the sharing of health knowledge, donations to the needy people and funding their campaign.

The ALD has more than years of experience. The ALD secured 11 seats in the 1990 General Election. The party came third at that time.

The ALD did not compete in the 2010 General Election. In 2012, the ALD officially registered its name. In 2013, the ALD made a merger with the Arakan Nationalities Development Party as the Arakan National Party (ANP).

The ANP competed in the 2015 General Election and secured many seats.

Then, the ALD separated from the ANP in 2017. The ALD officially registered as a political party for the third time. The party was reformed with new members.

The ALD is opposed to the inclusion of military MPs in parliament and wants to change the relevant clause in the 2008 Constitution.

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