UEC warns DNP of ethnic flag-hosting

UEC warns DNP of ethnic flag-hosting
by -
Saw Zin Maung (Hintha)

The Union Election Commission (UEC) has warned the Democratic Party of National Politics (DNP) about the hosting of ethnic flags at the party’s office.


The DNP hosted the national flags of Karen and Pa-O at its branch in Thaton Township in Mon State. Mon State Pa-O and Karen Literature and Culture complained about it to the Mon State Election Sub-Commission on September 1.


At a coordination meeting on September 10, Mon State Election Sub-Commission warned 17 parties including the DNP that they are not allowed to host ethnic flags.

When contacted by the Hintha Media seeking a comment, there was no answer from the DNP headquarters.


U Myo Min Hlaing, Secretary of Mon State Union Solidarity and Development Party said: “

 When a party uses its flag with its logo, the sub-commission should urgently release any directives from the Union Election Commission (UEC).


Around 150 candidates from the DNP will compete in Ayeyawady, Mon, Magway, Kayah, Shan and Mandalay. The DNP’s chair U Soe Maung will run for the lower house constituency in his native town of Yesagyo Township.


U Soe Maung served as the advocate-general of the Myanmar army. He retired with the rank of Lieutenant General and served as the Minister for the President’s Office during the time of President U Thein Sein.

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