Zomi Congress for Democracy (ZCD) blame their loss of seats on lack of funds

Zomi Congress for Democracy (ZCD) blame their loss of seats on lack of funds
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

The loss of the seats by the Zomi Congress for Democracy (ZCD) in the recent election is due to insufficient funds claimed, Pu Gin Kam Lian, Secretary of the ZCD.

“The main reason is funding. The party’s funds are weak. Another reason is we cannot compete with the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) in terms of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s star power

The ZCD competed in 10 constituencies in the recent election—nine in Teedim and Tunzan Townships in Chin State and one in Kalay Township in Sagaing Region. But the party secured only two seats in the Township in Chin State—the lower house seat and the Chin State parliamentary seat.

Teedim and Tunzan Townships are said to be the hardcore areas of the ZCD. But the ZCD has surrendered all constituencies in Teedim Township and two constituencies in Tunzan Township.

“The stance of the ethnic parties and the parties from the lowland is slightly different. The candidates from the NLD have to do work in accordance with the party’s policy. They are not able to talk much about ethnic affairs," he added.

In the 2015 General Elections, the ZCD secured six seats in Teedim and Tunzan Townships.

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