Yangon sees mass exodus of migrant workers

Yangon sees mass exodus of migrant workers
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စိုင်းထွန်းစံ (MNA)

Migrant workers in Yangon are flocking to their native towns in Mon State after the army imposed martial law in six townships in Yangon Region.

A person who has gone back to his native town said: “People feel unsafe after the announcement of martial law. The people are relocating to their native towns after the army announced martial law. I am living in my sister’s house in Mawlamyine after fleeing my house in Yangon. The unemployment rate may skyrocket as most of the returnees are factory workers.”

A youth from Thanbyuzayat Township said: “The elderly have returned to their native town. I cannot go home as I have a job here. The situation is still stable near Shwepaukan. I worry as I don’t know when the security forces will carry out arrests, recruit for portering, or engage in shooting all day long. The people are suffering mental health problems and stress.”

On March 14th two Chinese garment factories were set ablaze. Even in a single day at least 38 people were reported dead across the country due to the brutal crackdowns. The army imposed martial law in Hlaingtharyar, Shwepyithar, North Dagon, South Dagon, Dagon Seikkan and North Okkalapa Townships in Yangon.

The authorities have imposed Section 144 (night curfew) in six townships of Mon State to control the anti-coup protests. Medical rescue teams and street vendors find it difficult to do their work. People in Mon State are staging the anti-coup protests in different forms.

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