UEC files cases against voting twice and the use of unofficial voting stamp

UEC files cases against voting twice and the use of unofficial voting stamp

The Union Election Commission (UEC) issued a statement on November 3 about the action taken against voting twice, and the use of the unofficial voting stamp.

Daw Moe Myat Thurzar, a middle-level school teacher from Shawchaung village in Sipwarchaung village-tract in Mawlamyinegyun Township in Ayeyawady Region, cast her advance vote in Sipwarchaung village-tract on October 30th. She again cast her advance vote in Maltaline village-tract on October 31st.

The second case took place at polling station No.2 in Myomaward in Hlegu Township in Yangon North District in Yangon Region. Daw Aye Mar Win (aka) Ma Paepyar who is a polling representative of USDP candidate U Khin Maung Soe gave a polling stamp which is not issued by the UEC to Daw Tin Tin Win, deputy polling station officer. Then, she asked three voters to cast their votes with that polling station.

The UEC has filed a case against Daw Moe Myat Thuzar and Daw Aye Mar Win under Section 59 of the Parliamentary Election Law.

Section 59 says: “Anyone who is found guilty of violation shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or with fine not exceeding K100,000 (one hundred thousand Kyats), or with both.”

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