Shortage of rice makes Paletwa locals less interested in election

Shortage of rice makes Paletwa locals less interested in election
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

Locals in Paletwa Township in Chin State have shown no interest in the election due to the shortage of food when there are only 20 days left until Election Day, according to the election observers.

U Zar Ni, Chair of Paletwa Township Philanthropic Organization said: “the people are paying more attention to the food rather than the election due to rice shortages. Minister U Soe Htet came to distribute rice for three-days to the IDPs. Today this ration has run out.”

More than 200 villages in Paletwa Township are facing a shortage of rice because of the ongoing conflict in Paletwa Chin State between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA). This has resulted in the disruption of supplies. There is no entry and exit of vehicles in Sami Township because of security problems.”

An official from Chin Women Organization in Paletwa Township said: “The locals in Paletwa Township are becoming less interested in the election due to blocked transportation, lack of security and weak voter education caused by the pandemic. They are only concerned about their daily survival.”

She added “Political parties are unable to conduct normal canvassing campaigns. We plan to educate the youths about the election. But we can do it only in one or two places. We face difficulties due to the ban on mass gatherings and movement orders linked to the COVID-19. Due to the shortage of rice, the locals are less interested in the election. They are worried about the shortage of rice.”

It has been nearly one year all road access to Paletwa Township was closed. As a result, the township faces a shortfall of rice and higher commodity prices.

U Yaw Bar said: “Transportation is very difficult. The people will cast their voters if there are polling stations for the election. But the arrival of polling booths is not easy as there are many gates of the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) on the roads leading to Paletwa. The shipment of polling materials via the Kalardan River is not easy.”

Paletwa Township has the highest number of voters in Chin State. According to the second round display of the voters’ lists, there are 62,845 eligible voters for the November 8 Election.

A total of 24 candidates from six political parties will compete in five constituencies in Paletwa Township.

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