”Seizing Power is a major obstacle and deterrent to democratic transition”: KNU

”Seizing Power is a major obstacle and deterrent to democratic transition”: KNU
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စိုင်းထွန်းစံ (MNA)

“The army’s seizure of power has caused a big deterrent to democratic transition” according to a statement issued by the Karen National Union (KNU) on February 2nd.

This statement is the Karen response to the military coup and detention of NLD leaders including President U Win Myint and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The KNU has warned “The coup shows that the Tatamadaw is not serious about solving political problems by political means. It will seriously damage the country’s future and throw up many challenges.”

The KNU is deeply concerned about the coup’s detention of democratic activists and cabinet members including the NLD leaders, as well as regional and state chief ministers on February 1st.

The KNU earnestly calls on the Tatmadaw to unconditionally release all detainees including the State leaders and democracy activists, and to peacefully seek solutions to the country’s problems through dialogue. The KNU will stand together with the entire people in building up the federal union and democratic transition.

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