Regime’s army, air forces ramp up offensive in KNU Brigade 2 area

Regime’s army, air forces ramp up offensive in KNU Brigade 2 area

Nyaunglaybin — The military council’ army and air forces are carrying out massive offensives in Naunglaybin District’s Brigade 3 and Dooplaya District’s Brigade 6 in KNU-controlled areas, the locals said.

The military aircraft dropped bombs around the Thone Htet Gwe area in Myawaddy-Walley of Dooplaya District , and ground forces attacked with heavy weapons, the sources from KNLA joint forces said.

The military conducted bomb attacks on the Thone Htet Gwe area on Myawaddy-Walley where clashes occurred between regime forces and Cobra Column.

The junta armed forces have conducted military operations near the Thone Htet Gwe area on Myawaddy-Walley since July 7 and suffered heavy losses, while some junta soldiers surrendered with their weapons to Cobra Column.

The KNLA’s 8th Battalion clashed with the military council for 40 minutes near Kanasoepin village in Mone Township of KNU Brigade 3 (Nyaunlaybin District) around 5 am on August 23. Similarly, the regime forces attacked Kanasoepin village with a helicopter around 7:20 am.

The residents of Kanasoepin village, which has more than 200 houses and a population of over 1,100, are fleeing to shelters due to the regime’s air attack.

On the one hand, the military council continues to launch offensives in various ethnic communities, including KNU, while simultaneously asking ethnic armed groups to join peace talks.

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