Preparations being made for the safety of voters in Chin State

Preparations being made for the safety of voters in Chin State
by -
Salai Clian (CW)

Chin State Election Sub-Commission is making necessary preparations for the safety of voters at the polling booths, said U Lin Kyaw, Secretary of Chin State Election Sub-Commission.

He was replying to questions about protective measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during the election campaign in Chin State, which now has 21 confirmed cases.

“The sub-commission has to prepare for the polling booths and polling station staff. The Union Election Commission will provide the necessary equipment. The regular size will be fixed for the polling stations with 100 voters. A wide hall will be divided into two parts for 100-500 voters. That’s why the sub-commission will choose wide halls and spaces.

The sub-commission opened 1,031 polling booths in Chin State in the 2015 General Election. The election sub-commission plans to increase the number of polling booths to 1,114 in the 2020 General Election due to the COVID-19. I don’t know how the police will help us. The election sub-commission has made detailed discussions with the officials on the preventive measures against the virus. They will make necessary arrangements for the polling booths,” U Lin Kyaw added.

There are more than 340,000 eligible voters for the General Election slated for November 8, according to the Chin State Election Sub-Commission.

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