Poor performance and weak governance of the Mon State Government during 2nd parliament, in the view of Deputy Speaker of the Parliament

Poor performance and weak governance of the Mon State Government during 2nd parliament, in the view of Deputy Speaker of the Parliament
by -
Saw Thonya (NMG)

“The state government failed to implement even 50% of proposals promised during the tenure of second Mon State parliament” Dr. Aung Naing Oo, Deputy Speaker of the Mon State Parliament observed.

A total of 48 proposals were submitted during the second term of the Mon State parliament. The Mon State Parliament approved 43 proposals.

Daw Tin Ei, Speaker of the Mon State Parliament said: “We are not fully satisfied with the government’s implementation of laws enacted during the five-year tenure of the parliament. The government may have some difficulties. The parliament has mandate to amend, add and draft the laws.

For instance, since 2017, the government drafted the municipal law. But the government did not issue the bylaws. That’s why we frequently urge the government to issue the bylaws. The government has not drafted the bylaws yet. Now the term of the government is about to expire.”

There were debates between the government and parliament over around 10 proposals. The government failed to fully implement the approved proposals. Only around 40 per cent of proposals could be implemented, according to the discussions and reviews by the parliament affairs committee, Dr. Aung Naing Oo added.

According to the officials of the Mon State Parliament, 48 proposals covered the matter related to the policy, rule of law, anti-narcotic drug, gambling, and corruption. A total of 609 questions—593 starred questions and 16 non-starred questions—were raised during the tenure of second parliament, according to the records of parliament. In the tenure of the second Mon State parliament, the amended laws are the Municipal Law, Municipal Tax Law, the Electricity Law, the Library Law and the Fishery Law while the Budget Law and the Regional Planning Law were drafted, according to the Mon State Legislative Committee.

The session of Mon State parliament was convened in February, 2016. Until 17th meeting held in August, there were 17 regular sessions, one emergency meeting and two special meetings. The Mon State parliament is composed of 31 lawmakers—23 elected MPs and eight military MPs.

The 23 elected candidates for the second Mon State parliament are: 19 from the NLD, two from the MUP, one from All Mon Region Democracy Party and the USDP.

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