The policy and election pledges of the KPP

The policy and election pledges of the KPP
by -
Saw Tun Lin (KIC)

The Kayin People’s Party (KPP) policy is based on the protection of ethnic rights and moving towards a federal democracy system suited to Myanmar according to Saw Tun Aung Myint, Chair of the KPP.

He affirmed that “The country will only achieve lasting peace when it can create a system that guarantees and protects the rights of all ethnics and minorities in Myanmar.”

The political and social landscape in the world is forever changing. The party’s national attitude will adapt to the changing situations without causing any harm to the nation. The party will build trust and unity by mutual understanding and respect for the literature, culture and customs of all ethnic groups in Myanmar.

The KPP has set three aims—building a federal democratic country, promoting the social and economic status of the grass-roots and enabling all other ethnics living together with the Karen people to enjoy equal rights.

The KPP will coordinate with ethnics and officials to amend the constitution for building up a federal democratic country.

The KPP was set up in May 2010. In the 2010 General Election, more than 40 candidates from the KPP participated in the 2010 General Election.  The KPP secured six seats—two for Karen Ethnic Affairs Minister in Yangon and Bago Region and four for the upper house, lower house and Karen State Parliament in Thandaunggyi Township in Karen State.

More than 100 candidates from the KPP competed in the 2015 General Election but secured only one seat for Karen State Constituency-2 in Thandaunggyi Township.

A total of 74 candidates from the KPP including five for Karen Ethnic Affairs Minister, have registered to run for the seats, according to the party’s statement.

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