The policies and pledges of the KNP

The policies and pledges of the KNP
by -
Naw Dway Eh Khu (KT)

The Kayan National Party (KNP) will compete in 10 seats in the 2020 General Election.

On 20 May, 2010, the UEC allowed the KNP to set up an official party. In 2010, the KNP won the victory in two constituencies in Phalkhone Township in the south of Shan State. But the KNP did not secure any seats in 2015. The KNP is one of the small parties which secured no seats after the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) landslide in the 2015 General Election.

In an effort to compete with the big parties in the 2020 General Election, The KNP has made an alliance with the Kayah State Democratic Party based in Kayah State. There are 34 constituencies in Kayah State.

The KNP will compete in 10 seats in the 2020 General Election—one each for the upper house and lower houses in Maese Township, one each for the upper house and lower house in Demawso Township, one each for the upper house, lower house and Kayah State parliament in Phalkhone Township in Shan State, one for Karenni Ethnic Affairs Minister and one for the Karen State parliament in Thandaunggyi Township in Karen State.

The KNP has three female candidates and three candidates under 30. The oldest candidate is 51-year-old. All their candidates are required to have graduated as a minimum qualification. Some candidates have experience in politics while others have a background in legal affairs, development projects, and in advancement of women, said the KNP Chair Lwisi Nyein (aka) Khoon Bi Htoo. The KNP’s election motto is: “Towards a federal union through equality”

The KNP’s pledge has prioritized support for farmers and ensuring better rural roads for Karenni people. They hope 8 out of 10 candidates will secure the seats in the upcoming election. The KNP regards the ruling NLD as its main rival in the 2020 General Election.

The KNP is opposed to the presence of 25 percent of military MPs in the parliament according to the 2008 Constitution. The party has called upon the military to confine their responsibility to the security sector, and accept democracy and the federal system.

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