Plan under way to open polling stations at four IDP camps in Kachin State

Plan under way to open polling stations at four IDP camps in Kachin State
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Ma Khaung Nyoi (KNG)

Plans are under way to open the polling stations at four out of 85 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps in Kachin State, according to the Kachin State Election Sub-Commission.

As the number of voters at the regular polling stations has exceeded its capacity, new polling stations at some IDP camps will be built. For instance, in Chiphwe Township, as the IDP camps are far from the wards, the sub-commission plans to open separate polling stations, said U Tun Aung Khaing from the election sub-commission.

“Normally, there is no plan to open the polling stations in all IDP camps. The sub-commission plans to enable the IDPs to cast their votes in the wards and villages in the neighbourhood of where the IDP camps are located.

The sub-commission will re-scrutinize other IDP camps to possibly host additional polling stations, if the situation demands it, the sub-commission will open more polling stations, he added.

In Kachin State, 452 candidates have registered to run for parliamentary seats in the upcoming election—119 for lower house parliament, 87 for upper house parliament and 246 Kachin State parliament.

According to the lists from the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are more than 45,000 IDPs in Kachin State.  Out of the total more than 20,000 IDPs are eligible voters, according to the Kachin State Election Sub-Commission. However other surveys indicate the ID population is far larger. Surveys conducted by the Kachin CSOs have documented more than 100,000 IDPs in Kachin State.

U Hla Khaung, in-charge of Trinity IDP camp said: “Recently, the administrator told me that the polling stations will be opened at this IDP camp in this election for the first time.”

The election sub-commission has made arrangement for the IDPs not to lose their voting rights and has directed officials to release the lists at all IDP camps, said U Tun Aung Khaing from the election sub-commission.

Bayan Sai, in-charge of Mongnar IDP camp said: “Until now, there is no plan to open the polling stations in our camp. I told the clerk who collected the populations at the IDP camp, to display the voters list at the camp. Now there is no display of voter lists. The reason why I asked for the display of voter lists at the IDP camp is that the people have to use the main road to get to the ward office. Even they cannot take motorbike, it is dangerous for them. Some households have elderly people. It is better to display the lists at the camp. If possible, it will be ok for all people here. Until now, there is no any information about the election”

Mongnar IDP camp has more than 500 households, which is the highest number of IDPs in Kachin State.

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