Paletwa in Chin State not safe to hold election according to CSO

Paletwa in Chin State not safe to hold election according to CSO
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Chin World

Paletwa township in Chin State is not in a position to hold the general election slated for November 8, due to the ongoing armed conflicts between the Myanmar army and the Arakan Army (AA), said U Saw Mya, secretary of Khumi Chia Affairs Coordination Council.


Even though the government army has restricted the movements due to the security problems and canvassing has been crippled, UEC surprisingly had sent out polling day election materials and did not classify it as one of the many townships where a free and fair election could not take place.


Seven Chin organizations in Paletwa Township issued a statement on October 14th. The statement expressed their concern about the possible cancellation of the election due to the fighting between the Myanmar army and the AA.


Locals in Paletwa Township are experiencing the consequences of armed conflicts every day. We strongly believe that the drawbacks caused by the lack of regional stability will disappear only when there are a flourishing democracy system and the emergence of genuine peace, the statement says.


The seven organizations have called on the Chin State government to stop arbitrary detentions and arrests of civilians under the pretext of security. The seven originations are Khumi Literature and Culture Organization, Khumi Chin Ethnic Affairs Coordination Council, Khumi Youths Association, Female Ethnic Organization (Paletwa Township), Chin Civil Network in Paletwa Township and Paletwa Khumi Community Malaysia (PKC).


U Myint Naing, a member of the UEC said at its press conference at the UEC’s office in Nay Pyi Taw on October 20th the Union Election Commission will release the statement about Paletwa Township which experiences frequent fighting and weak security after its current review. 

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