Only two election-related cases reported in Chin State

Only two election-related cases reported in Chin State
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

There are two cases filed under the Election Law in the 2020 General Election in Chin State, said U Lin Kyaw, Secretary of the Chin State Election Sub-Commission.

Some political parties have filed the cases against those who did proxy voting in Teedim and Htantalan Townships, to the relevant ward/village election sub-commission.

 “There are two cases filed on the Election Day. Locals have little knowledge about the election due to the lack of extensive voter education before the election in Chin State, he added.

“There was no voter education. These cases occurred as our area lacks decent internet access and TV lines in some places. I don’t think they committed the cases on purpose. But the cases were filed ” he continued.

There are 286,308 eligible voters in the 2020 General Election in Chin State. The voter turnout rate for lower house is 77.85 percent, 77.89 percent for upper house and 77.81 percent for the region or state parliaments including ethnic affairs minister.

A total of 171 candidates including independent candidates, from 11 political parties, ran for 39 constituencies in Chin State.

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