Only one-fifth of female candidates secure the seats in Arakan State

Only one-fifth of female candidates secure the seats in Arakan State
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Only four of 21 female candidates in Arakan State won seats and they are all from the Arakan National Party (ANP).

Only one-fifth of female candidates secured the seats in the election in Arakan State, according to the official election results from the Arakan State Election Sub-Commission.

A total of 21 female candidates competed in the election in Arakan State—four from the ANP, six from the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD), two from the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), one from the Arakan Front Party (AFP), three from the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD), three from Arakan State National Democratic Force and two independent candidates.

Six female candidates ran for the lower house, five for the upper house and ten for the Arakan State parliament. The ANP secured all four seats in the election.

The ANP candidates secured the lower house in Taunggup Township, the upper house Constituency-1 in Kyaukphyu and Manaung Townships, Arakan State Constituency-2 in Mannaung Township and Arakan State Constituency-2 in Taunggup Township.

Daw Kywat Sein, chair of the Arakan-based Rakhine Light Door Activist Group said: “I expect the elected female candidates will actively work for the rights of women and children in the parliaments.”

There are three female lawmakers in the second parliament—two in the upper house and one in the lower house. There is no female lawmaker in the Arakan State parliament.

Daw Hla Thet Soe, a female candidate who secured the lower house constituency in Taunggup Township for the ANP said: “I will mainly work for the safety of women, equal gender access to education and increased participation of females in politics.

In Arakan State, 154 candidates competed in all parliaments including Chin ethnic affairs minister in Arakan State.

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