NLD still has no contact with three party members detained during the election campaign

NLD still has no contact with three party members detained during the election campaign
by -
Min Tun (DMG)

The ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) still has no contact with three party members being detained by the Arakan Army (AA) for 47 days, said Dr. Myo Nyunt, Spokesperson of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD).

The AA abducted U Min Aung, Daw Ni Ni May Myint and Daw Chit Chit Chaw, while on a canvassing trip on their way to Phaungkhar village in Taunggup Township on October 14th.

“We have not received any information about the abduction of our party members. The families of detainees also do not have any information,” he added.

So far the NLD has released two statements, calling on the AA to release the detained party members without any conditions.

Dr. Myot Nyunt said: “As a political party, the NLD finds it difficult to contact the AA which has been a “terrorist organization”

Daw Mya Yee, the aunt of Daw Ni Ni May Myint said: “I thank the AA if the AA are treating her well. I want her to return home in good health. I would like to request the AA to release her as quickly as possible.”

The AA issued a statement on November 21, saying that it has treated the detainees well and would release them quickly when both sides reach[Dell1]  a mutual understanding.

The AA also called on the government to immediately release Arakanese civilians, politicians arrested on suspicion of having ties to the AA, relatives of the United League of Arakan, the political wing of the AA and student protestors detained for the demonstration for peace, on humanitarian grounds.

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