NLD seeks the solution to political and military conflicts together with ethnic parties

NLD seeks the solution to political and military conflicts together with ethnic parties
by -
Min Tun (DMG)

Many ethnic groups remain wary of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) offer to seek the solutions together but without any clear policy and plan being stated. Dr. Myo Nyunt, Spokesperson of the NLD reiterated that the NLD would work “together with (ethnic) political parties which have the same objectives. The NLD is working on the procedures and set-up in detail as building up a federal democratic union is a long-term matter.

 U Kwan Gaung Aung Kham, Vice-Chair-2 of the KSPP commented that: “The NLD mainly needs to implement the 1947 Panglong Agreement. The KSPP will make discussions with other parties in ethnic regions on whether we will join hands with the NLD or not,” (Burma News International report)

However, whereas Aung San Suu Kyi ‘s promotion of a “Panglong 2 “peace conference failed to make any headway in the last term of office, it is not encouraging that NLD has so far made no reference to using the framework of the original Panglong Agreement.

Many observers consider that trust is not high after the experience of the 2020 election campaign in which some NLD candidates engaged in spreading fake news about Kachin candidates (KSPP) and popular Shan party candidates (SNLD) tipped to oust the NLD in a good many seats.

The spokesman for Shan Nationalities for Democracy (SNLD), Sai Leik   welcomes the NLD overtures in principle  but he told The Irrawaddy “The NLD might have goodwill towards ethnic people, but it did not have any predetermined plans [for a coalition government]. “

On November 12, the NLD sent open letters to 48 ethnic parties, inviting them to cooperate in building up a federal union. Officials of the NLD CEC said: “The NLD’s invitation aims to form the national unity government based on national reconciliation in the coming five years.”

U Than Soe Naing, a political observer said: “Now the NLD needs to discuss with ethnics if it has a desire to form a national unity government. The NLD said it would be done in the post-COVID pandemic period. We don’t know when that will materialize. In general we welcome it. The NLD’s invitation doesn’t include the concrete steps. It is difficult to say which views of ethnics the NLD will accept? Will the NLD really make an alliance with ethnics? Is it just a discussion?”

Recently, a video podcast posted by Kachin News Group, showed Duwa Mahkaw Hkun Sa, a Kachin lawyer living in the UK, claimed that the NLD overtures is a Bamar supremacy scheme, and did not offer the EPPs ( ethnic political parties) the right to participate in a national unity government. In other words, the EPPs may follow the NLD’s prescription on how to go about everything, but not as an equal partner.”

Sai Leik from the SNLD s “ if decentralization and regional and state ministers are given greater powers (at present they don’t even have proper offices) and if the NLD appoints members of ethnic parties as chief ministers and devolves greater powers to ministries, it will increase trust. By doing those things, the NLD will boost national reconciliation and contribute to the stability and peace of our union,” according to The Irrawaddy recent report.

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